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The Business Blockchain From edeXa 'Universe'

To support existing business processes, a blockchain must be designed to handle thousands of transactions per second. In addition to exchanging small amounts of data, business-process transactions contain larger data packages (e.g., PDF documents), which are sensibly stored privately and off-chain.

Country-specific data protection regulations also require companies to store their data in the country of their place of business. For example, edeXa’s off-chain solution allows all data to be stored on its own servers in the future. This way, all local data protection laws are in compliance.

In addition, the European Data Protection Regulation (EU-DSGVO) requires the right to delete personalized data, which again does not correspond to the basic idea of the blockchain since transactions cannot be deleted. Since only non-personalized and, most importantly, only hash and key values are stored in the edeXa Business Blockchain, this problem is not existent.

edeXa offers companies an innovative ecosystem that connects different providers via the blockchain with a unified information system, which is why our Business Blockchain “Universe” is so scalable. Proprietary, user-oriented applications are made available using process automation (workflows) and smart contracts. These applications can be used directly via the web-oriented edeXa application or via API gateway and SDKs.

Together, we accelerate business cases, increase efficiency along the entire business process, and significantly reduce process costs.